Coffee is one of the most consumed beverage in the world. It is not only the taste of coffee that makes people get more and more coffee, but culture and lifestyle play the role as well. Coffee has become a kind of drug to many people today. Thus some problems are arousing with such kind of life style. Coffe brings some health effects such as increasing in heart beat and blood pressure.
How can coffee impact our health? The answer is the caffeine contained in coffee and other beverages. Some people avoid consuming a lot of caffeine for health reasons. They take decaffeinated coffee instead. Unfortunately decaffeinated coffee is not the same as caffeine-free coffe. The coffee still contains caffeine in lower dose. Eight ounce instant decaffeinated coffee contains 2-3 miligrams of caffeine while brewed one contains 3-4 miligrams. So be careful when you decide to have some cup of decaffeinated coffee. Bear in mind that decaffeinated coffee is not the same as caffeine-free coffee.
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